Cochin Airport to Munnar

The road distance between Cochin Airport to  Munnar is 3 h 17 min (114.8 km) via NH85,  Cochin International Airport is the nearest Airport To Munnar .. ,

 How to travel Cochin International Airport to Munnar,

  • Publick bus KSRTC is Not available
  • Privet taxi   (3 hrs )   - taxi rates; 2800/- for 4 Seater & 3500/- for 7 Seater Book now  

Things to do on the way,

  1. Chithirapuram view point visit
  2. Karadipara view point visit
  3. Spices garden visit
  4. water falls visit


Things to do

Munnar Sight seeing with Guide

Start Time: 9am | End Time: 5pm

4000 4500

Wild Elephant Village Visit OVER NIGHT

Start Time: 11 am | End Time: 10AM

7950 8000

Kalari Kshethra martial arts & classical

Start Time: 5Pm | End Time: 7Pm

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